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AirLife Limb-O™

Product Information

The Limb-O is a uni-limb circuit with a septum in the centre. The streamline design minimises the clutter of a two limb circle circuit. It can be used in both adults and paediatrics down to 4.5kg.

It has three important benefits:

  • LIGHT WEIGHT – Less plastic means less weight and torque on the patient’s airway management device; Limb-O weighs 34% less than coaxial circle circuits and 25% less than traditional circle circuits.1
  • LOWER COMPLIANCE – The presence of a septum in Limb-O decreases compliance in the circuit to significantly increase delivered volume . . . without sacrificing drape.
  • THERMALLY EFFICIENT – Bench testing suggests the transfer of heat from the expiratory to the inspiratory limb of 6.2°C at 4L/min flow rates

It also has the additional features available of internal or external CO² monitoring line.

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